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Receive your reading within 24 hours! A 20-minute reading can consist of up to three questions. We will look at these three questions more at length than what the 3-card pull can offer. I usually pull between 5-9 cards per question depending on if it's yes/no or more open ended.


You will submit your question and any information you deem important to the reading via email along with a screenshot of your receipt. You will receive your reading 24 hours after you submit your email. PLEASE DO NOT SEND THE EMAIL TO !!! It will get lost among the many other emails I receive. Along with your question, please include your pronouns so I know how to refer to you! You will receive the email address to submit your questions to in the digital file you'll receive upon booking. If you do not submit an email then I will not know you ordered a reading. Your reading will be recorded and uploaded privately to YouTube so only you may view it unless you decide to share the link. You'll receive an email with the link once your reading has been fulfilled. 


When sending in your questions, please know that if you include two subjects in one line/with one question mark, it still acts as two questions. For example - "What are their feelings towards me and what are their thoughts towards me?" is two separate questions. "How will x happen, and what should I do about it?" is also two questions. If you have two questions in one, I will email you and ask you to pick. 


Thank you so much for trusting me to do your reading for you! Hope you're doing well and have a wonderful rest of your day! <3

Expedited 20-Minute Personal Reading

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